LIVE from the “bari bar” in England, Kozak interview for the British media: I didn’t enter alone, brother!

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In a video published a day ago by “Express Uk”, a compilation of materials from the Tik Tok and Instagram social networks can be seen, where the ‘key words’ are Albanians.

The British media says that Great Britain is seen as a “gangster’s paradise” where big money is made through weed.

The Albanian brothers, Alex and Dor Visha, come out openly in Tik Tok talking about illegal work. But not only that, there are videos circulating on Tik Tok where the audience is offered a “tour to the back of the bar”. “Express UK” describes Aleks Visha as a shameless criminal who brags on social networks about his “drug empire” in Britain. Cannabis is shown in detail in the footage, there is talk about the quality and even how the drug deals are done.

The shocking fact is that not even the social networks have taken any action against these accounts where crime and drugs are widely exposed. With a simple research, you can see that such contents influence and attract many young Albanians. The latter, convinced that England will quickly solve any problem, risk their lives to reach their destination.

A very well-known character on Tik Tok for Albanians is the young Kozak Braçi, who does not hesitate to go Live with people who deal in drugs and even asks them how much they earn.

Kozak: How much money do you get?

Dor Visha: Yes, it depends, being a worker like my job, I get 5 thousand Euros a month.

Kozak: You have to have capital for that job because you can make a tip, get 25 thousand, they come and shoot you and eat shots. Even in prison. You must have money to be a spy, man!

The British journalist of “Express UK” went to the neighborhood of Kozak in Tirana and interviewed him, precisely about this frightening phenomenon.

-In some videos we found, you talk to people in pubs in England.

Kozak: No, I used to introduce Live people at first, where I knew where he was! He sent me the invitation to Live, he might as well be throwing himself off the terrace. (Laughs)

– Do you promote this lifestyle?

Kozak: It’s not a good style, it’s not a good thing. Even when I was doing Live in my early days, I’ve been putting people in for years. They took me Live from England, to another country. I was amazed when I saw them, do you understand, it’s like talking to you now and going out to the shepherd’s house. For example, I don’t know if they were in England, he may have been in America. How do I know where he has been!

-How do you feel that a young person can see it and get the wrong idea?

Cossack: What’s wrong with you? What should I do with them, because I threw them! Then how many people are put in like that, there are no grass houses in Albania. They came out or a man… Talk to someone and he would tell you straight away, I’m at home, the shepherd would take out the camera straight away.

-Have you ever worked with them?

Kozak: I have never suffered because of things, the family worked. But if I was in trouble, I could even seduce them…

He is also seen a little nervous after the end of the interview, being told to wait for the parts where it is mentioned that he entered Live with such characters.

Kozak: Not that they will do anything to me… Don’t record it! That grass house, because it creates problems for me, brother. All of Albania entered, not only me! I was famous bro. I did the interview out of respect.

And in fact “Express UK” dug so deep that it found the video when Kozak was kidnapped years ago, thus explaining his fear after the announcement./ TV Klan

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