Ahmetaj’s lobbying in the USA, analyst Sulo “breaks down” the two goals: Here’s what the former vice-prime minister intends in the battle against Rama

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Analyst Arion Sulo commented on the information released a few days ago that Arben Ahmetaj paid an American company to lobby.

Invited to the studio of the show “Open”, Sulo broke down the two goals that the former number two of the government may have, stressing that it is a warning for the government.

“This lobbying has two goals, the first is knocking and the second is warning the government with which it is at war and says that not only is it not silent, but I go to the State Department, which not only has SPAK, let’s say the progress in Albania of the thing. First, he says, I am interested in my file, secondly, I will denounce things that I have seen, we have done together during 20 years of cooperation.

That’s the subtext of the thing. The first goal is the USA and SPAK. No matter how much the person in charge said that SPAK is a jewel. Saimir Tahiri was convicted that two representatives of the American embassy were there and the file was the one that changed the charge. Ahmetaj’s file is not some investigation that they put their shoulders against the wall. More important is his goal towards Rama and towards this government.

Taking the file there and saying that the accusations are political, including the prime minister. This fact is from within the species and no longer from the opposition. In addition, Ahmetaj said that there is an opinion of a law firm of 400 pages that they distributed. Of course paid by her. He also brought it to the Minister of Justice and said he did not receive an answer”, said Sulo among other things.

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