“He cut my finger with a shovel, he hit me because I told him…” – Quarrel between fellow villagers, the police arrest one of them. How the property conflict began

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A fight between two neighbors took place in Lezha, for weak motives. It is known that the cause of the conflict between Kola Ndreca and Lekë Prenga was the land.

The 68-year-old denounced the case of violence, saying that he had asked his neighbor Lek Prenga not to put the goats on his father’s land and at that moment they had a fight.

Then, Ndreca says, Prenga called his son, Simon, and after fighting with him, he hit him with a shovel, cutting his finger.

“We have been at odds with our fellow villager for several years. I entered my father’s land, to my brother. He put the goats on my father’s land, I asked him to remove them, but he told me that it was my brother’s land, not mine. He grabbed the shovel and hit me. We fought one on one. He got his son on the phone and they both appeared in front of me. The boy cursed me. I grabbed him by the throat and he shoveled me in and cut my finger.

The police came after I filed a complaint. No one serves me in an emergency.

I want to be treated and get a document that I am injured.

State to take measures, either me or them. If the state does not deal with them, I will deal with them”, declared Ndreca to the journalists.

After reporting the incident, the police reacted, arresting Lek Prenga and also launched an investigation into his son.

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