‘He cursed me, I thought I only injured him’, reveals the testimony of the 35-year-old who took the life of his neighbor in Durrës

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Although he has mental health problems, Ilir Koçilja, the author of the serious crime that happened on Wednesday in Durrës, has blamed the victim.

The police and the prosecution were able to take his testimony, through which they tried to find a motive for the act of taking his neighbor’s life, but they did not find it. In fact, the author says that the victim occupied the courtyard of the building with a car. But in the above confession, he denied that he had intended to kill Halil Koka, but according to him, he only thought that he injured him and not that he killed him.

It is not known what decision will be made regarding the medical-legal expertise against the author, but it is learned that even from the testimony it has been shown that the young man has significant mental problems.

The testimony

The investigators in Durrës are already clear that Halil Koka was killed innocently, only because he had argued with his neighbor who suffered from severe mental problems.

During the interrogation, 35-year-old Ilir Koçilja stated that the fight started a few days ago over a parking space in the neighborhood alley. At noon on Wednesday, he waited for his neighbor as soon as he left the building and chased him with a knife in his hand until he took his life.

“We were neighbors with Halil. We didn’t get along well with each other. He left the car at the entrance of the palace. I had told him several times not to leave it there because it was preventing citizens from passing by to go home. When I told him not to leave the car there, he insulted me. I did not reply. When I went out the next day, I saw the car still parked there. Out of anger, I scratched the passenger door with a knife and ran away. Again the next day he left it there and I scratched it again. He came and caught me one day and said you scratched my car. I told him “I scratched it”. Don’t leave it there, I told him. We argued there, who are you, who am I. He started threatening me. I will kill, I will put in the trunk. I had the knife with me. I saw him leave the neighborhood on the main street. I approached him and said “you will drag me and put me in the trunk”. He cursed me. That’s when my eyes got dark and I shot him with a knife. Then I left and hid for a few hours in the 11th district until I caught you. I didn’t know he was dead. I thought I hurt him. I have no other conflict with that. I neither owed him money nor did he have me. I am very sorry for what happened, I regret it. Halili started the conflict”, Ilir Koçilja stated, among other things.

Neighbors say that the 35-year-old was a problematic and conflicted person. The Durrës police officially declare that Kocilja suffers from mental health problems, specifically from schizophrenia. The 35-year-old lived alone on the first floor of a building in neighborhood no. 14 of the coastal city.

While his family members are in the USA, he was often hospitalized in Elbasan psychiatry, where he was kept temporarily and again moved freely around Durrës. At noon on February 14, he stabbed 46-year-old Halil Koka in the heart, whom he followed from behind for a few meters from the entrance of the palace to the main street. The victim’s family members stated that Kaçilja had money and refused to repay it, but the author denied this conflict during his testimony at the Durrës police.

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