Italian media: The former lawyer of drug traffickers, Engjëll Agaçi, the key man in the Albania-Italy agreement for immigrants

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The Italian newspaper La Repubblica has devoted an article to the agreement between Italy and Albania for immigrants, where it shows many details about this issue.

According to the newspaper article, the key man of the Italy-Albania Pact is a former lawyer for drug traffickers who is said to have been “at the center of a sensational attempt to bribe the head of Rome’s Interpol”.

“But above all, the key person in the agreement requested by the Meloni government is Engjëll Agaçi, “Secretary of Prime Minister Edi Rama and former lawyer of the main exponents of the Albanian mafia in Italy, at the center of a sensational attempt to corrupt the head of Interpol of Rome”, the letter says, among other things.

The agreement between Italy and Albania for immigrants may cost around 1 billion euros, without solving any problems and with the risk that part of this money will be seized by a well-known Italian entrepreneur who boasts of credit in Tirana.

But above all, the key man in the agreement requested by the Meloni government is Engjëll Agaçi, “secretary of Prime Minister Edi Rama and former lawyer of the main exponents of the Albanian mafia in Italy, at the center of a sensational attempt to bribe the head of Interpol of Rome”.

Something like this will be revealed and supported this evening at 21:00 on Rai Tre Report, in an investigation by journalist Giorgio Mottola who also talks about the legal issues of Minister Daniela Santanché, who has also signed an agreement with Tirana.

The report took stock of the migrant operation in Albania and revealed “a series of inconsistencies”.

From the documents consulted, it appears that compared to the 36,000 immigrants predicted by Meloni, the two Albanian reception centers will receive a maximum of 2,822 immigrants, given that the maximum capacity is less than one thousand people. And the costs are already out of control: the construction of the two centers has gone from 35 million to 65 and risks increasing further since the deadline for the works has already been postponed from May to April.

The costs which, as it emerges from the documents consulted by the report, will be met with severe cuts for the Ministry of University, Environment and Health.

But there is also the risk that some of the money destined for Albania could end up swelling the accounts of Francesco Becchetti, the controversial entrepreneur grandson of landfill ras Manlio Cerroni, the founder of Agon Channel.

Albania was sentenced to 135 million euros in compensation for the Italian businessman, but has no intention of paying it. And for this reason, he decided to preemptively seize part of the funds intended for the government of Tirana. However, the report also reveals the identity of the key man in the agreement between Italy and Albania: Engjëll Agaci, Rama’s secretary.

Agaci is an important Albanian lawyer with an office in Rome. In the past, his clients were also some of the main bosses of the Albanian mafia, tried in Italy.

In 2016, some of his clients ended up at the center of a legal controversy. “According to what the Italian magistrates reported, many Albanian mafia bosses, sentenced to sentences of 10 to 20 years in Italy, were very easily extradited to Albania, where upon arrival they served much lower sentences or were even released from prison .

According to the report, lawyer Agaçi holds one of the central positions of the Rama government, as secretary general of the Council of Ministers.

When Giorgia Meloni went on vacation to Albania this summer to discuss the details of the migrant deal, he was also present, alongside Edi Rama and the Italian prime minister.

The report concludes: “Agaci was a consultant to the head of Interpol, General Lisi, liaison officer between Tirana and Rome, in the fight against drug trafficking. Lisi had to manage a real estate operation involving the ownership of some land for his foundation and turned to lawyer Agaci who put him in touch with a frontman of Artur Shehu, the head of drug traffickers in contact with Cosa Nostra and Sacra Corona Unita, Lisi told us that he did not know who Shheu was and that he trusted Agac. Even Rama and our government trusted Agac, he was the one who, in the role of Rama’s legal advisor, followed on behalf of the Albanian government the complaint presented by the opposition to the Albanian Constitutional Court regarding the agreement between Italy and Albania for immigrants. Agaci saved the millionaire investments from Italy that will arrive in Albania. We are talking about one billion euros in 5 years”.

This evening’s report will finally return to the events of Daniela Santanchè.

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