Meloni defends Rama, RAI3 brings back the documentary about Albania on Sunday

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Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, in an interview for RAI3, says that the establishment of immigrant reception centers in Albania is moving forward.

Meloni did not hesitate to evaluate his Albanian counterpart Edi Rama and said that he was unfairly attacked for this agreement.

Another crucial point at the center of the electoral campaign for the European elections is the issue of migration and the fight against irregular immigration, for which Giorgia Meloni made an agreement with the Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama for the construction of two reception centers for immigrants who have landed in Italy beyond Adriatic, a crucial point of its policy to fight human traffickers and for a new management of migrant trafficking.

“The project in Albania is progressing, it will work soon. It will be a strategic project. EU migration management policy can change a lot. It makes me laugh that the exponents of the Democratic Party, who previously attacked us for building a Guantanamo, are now complaining about the delays in building Guantanamo. The project will work and I think it is strategic.

This project proves that we are making these moves for the good of our country. Everyone should understand that if the protocol with Albania works properly, it would positively affect the proper management of illegal refugees at the European level as well,” said Meloni.

She expressed appreciation for Rama.

“I want to publicly thank Edi Rama because he has been the object of every kind of attack since he decided to sign this protocol with us. The fact that the left here demanded his exclusion from the European Socialist Party, which calls Albania a narco-state, the fact that he is being attributed with words he did not say, is injustice. What Edi Rama wants to do is to help Italy”, she said.

The project for the establishment of refugee reception centers in Gjadër and Shengjin is expected to start operating in the following months, hosting the refugees rescued at sea by the Italian police.

Meanwhile, the staff of the show “Report” on RAI3 has announced that they will broadcast the second part of the documentary on Albania on June 3.

In the first part, the focus of the documentary was on the links with crime, while the accusations against the General Secretary of the Council of Ministers Engjëll Agaçi were articulated.

After the publication of the first part of the documentary, there were strong political reactions from Tirana and Rome, while the Prime Minister Edi Rama described as defamation those who were described as links of crime with politics or members of the staff of the Head of the Government.

“After the attacks of the two prime ministers, the Italian one, Giorgia Meloni and the Albanian one, Edi Rama, we return to the treatment of the agreement for immigrants between Italy and Albania. We interviewed the head of the Albanian government, who agreed to answer Giorgio Mottola’s questions, even the sharp ones about the infiltration of the Albanian mafia in his government”, announces “Rai 3” in the trailer of the show.

The trailer reveals another detail, when the journalists refused the coffee, with which the Prime Minister wanted to show his hospitality.

“We repeated the request for an interview to Edi Rama, who received us at the government building. He showed us his hospitality, but he was a little upset when we refused him the coffee he offered us,” the Italian television states.

“You were a bit suspicious even about the coffee you refused, because with what you have in mind, I might look like an autocrat who “poisons” journalists”, says Rama.

The journalists of the investigative show on RAI3 have warned of a deeper investigation regarding the refugee camp in Gjadër.

“One of the persons contracted for the construction of the camp has a company for which we did not find anything in the government records. This person is mentioned in a case of official corruption. There are some politicians who have found Eldorado in Albania”, it is warned in the clip of “Rai 3”, which will be published on Sunday.

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