“We thought it was hostage taking or an assassination attempt that could kill us” – The person who accompanied Ilir Meta tells the moments of the arrest

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Artemis Peca, the Organizational Secretary of the Freedom Party, was one of the witnesses of the moment of the arrest of the former President and chairman of PL, Ilir Meta.

He says that the police officers stopped them in the middle of the road armed while adding that according to him, they took them out of the car in an inhuman manner.

We were in the car with Meta, we traveled for 2 hours in Kosovo, we were in Kosovo for fun and we also had party meetings with the chairman of the PL of Kukës. A criminal act, a terrible act. He didn’t signal us to stop, they blocked our way. I was at the wheel, just me and Meta.

We were at the weekend, we had party meetings. As organizational secretary, I am obliged to accompany him. They came from both sides, they were armed with Kalashnikovs, they opened both of our doors inhumanely. The car does not have a “lock door” and it is easily opened from the outside and they opened both doors for us directly and told us that they will come with us. Meta just said who are you, give us a decision. They didn’t even give us a decision or a document, nothing,” he says in Opinion.

Peca rejects the police’s claims: “They escorted me too, took me out in an inhumane manner, hit me and handcuffed me. They were disguised. They accompanied Meta with the white car. They did not say that we are the police. I thought hostage-taking or assassinations that could kill us”.

Question: Did they communicate to Meta?

Artemis Peca: They just put him in the car. They hit Meta with force on the head. Meta is not a simple man. Nor is he a criminal. There was no objection. Then I sat for 40 minutes with handcuffs. They pretended to take videos and photos. We were separated from the beginning by Meta. I asked to be uncuffed, handcuffed and pressured. Then they removed my handcuffs and told me that you will stay here. They didn’t know what to do with me. They kept me there until Meta was accompanied. Then I went to PL to attend the conference.

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