Amid tensions and noises from the opposition, the majority approves the gambling bill

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Amid the tensions and noises of the opposition, the majority approved the law on gambling.

This draft law requires a simple majority and was approved with 72 votes in favor and two abstentions, while the opposition MPs blocked the session.

First, the speaker of the Assembly, Lindita Nikolla, read the amendments for change and then the vote was taken as a whole.

This session, like the others, lasted for almost 12 minutes amidst the chaos. Opposition MPs landed in the hall of plenary sessions, where by blowing the whistles, they prevented the normal development of the Assembly.

Also present at this session was the chairman of the DP, Lulzim Basha, who stayed only a few moments and then left.

Today, an interview with Prime Minister Edi Rama, who had delegated the powers to Minister Spiropali, as he himself is in Brussels, was planned. But even this interpellation did not develop.

“I’m sorry that you withdrew from the interview with Mrs. Spiropali. I inform you that the Prime Minister is in Brussels and is coming at noon for the meeting with the Secretary of State, Mr. Blinken. Thank you” – said Nikola.

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