Minister Balla meeting with the Prosecutor General

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The Minister of the Interior, Taulant Balla, held a meeting with the Prosecutor General, Olsian Çela. The focus of the meeting, which was also attended by senior leaders of the State Prosecution and Police, was the assessment of the work progress of the structures of the prosecution and the police, the coordination between them and the coordination of priorities in combating crime.

During the meeting, Minister Balla emphasized that the revenge of the rule of law against organized crime is hitting hard the old disease of the links of crime with the police and justice.

Minister Balla also evaluated the results achieved in the attack on the networks of narcotics distributors in September 2023, the work done by the police and prosecution structures in this direction, and expressed the will to continue the work in this aspect during 2024. considering it as a matter of maximum priority.

He also presented some other priority aspects for the work of the State Police, for which support from the prosecution is required. Among other things, during the meeting, Minister Balla emphasized the importance of two decisions of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg regarding the case of January 21 as well as the Hysa case against Albania, regarding the respect of the standards in the application of the security measure “arrest in prison ” in the investigation and trial phase.

For his part, General Prosecutor Çela evaluated the level of inter-institutional cooperation and coordination with the State Police and the maximum commitment of the prosecutor’s offices despite the problems the institution is facing due to structural deficiencies as a result of the transitional re-evaluation process. He focused on the need to harmonize the priorities of the fight against criminality through their better individualization within the recommendations for the fight against criminality that every year the Council of Ministers forwards to the prosecution.

He also emphasized the need to improve the work towards the progress of the decriminalization process, focusing on the more efficient use of the communication channels that the State Police has for obtaining the necessary data from international partners. Among other things, the General Prosecutor asked for increased care on the part of the State Police in terms of respecting the procedural rights of citizens in cases of seizure of the vehicles of persons who drive vehicles in an irregular manner, in order to avoid unnecessary costs. for citizens and for the state.

In the meeting, it was agreed to elaborate an action plan in terms of dealing with new criminal phenomena as a result of the widespread use of social networks for the commission of various crimes, where it was assessed as very disturbing that the mass impact of them on persons of minor.

The two institutions were also committed to taking a series of joint measures in the direction of better coordination of data related to the declaration and removal from international search of Albanian citizens.

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