The mural for Vaçe Zela in Tirana, the affected daughter reacts: O noble woman over the wall!

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A special work of art is being erected near the Albanian Radio and Television, where the legend of Albanian music, Vaçe Zela, began her glorious journey. The great Albanian artist and singer, Vaçe Zela, will be immortalized in a mural.

The mural that will honor her figure is being created by the internationally famous artist, Maximiliano Debasko, who just created the mural of the writer Ismail Kadare in Tirana, while a year ago he painted the portrait of the international football star, Lionel Mesi.

Vaçe Zela’s daughter, Irma Rodiqi, in a heartfelt reaction, expressed her gratitude and emotions that this work conveyed while deeply thanking RTSH, Helidon Haliti and the artist Maximiliano Debasko, adding that “There is no wealth in the world that could replace even a little your boundless love!”

Full reaction:

“But where is there like you, my Albania!” – There is no verse that can more strongly express my deep gratitude. I often hear, If only you had been born in another country… I said it for the first time that day, when with your infinite love, you made it easier for me to follow my dear mother, the light of my life, forever . I repeated it when her voice rang out in the stadium amid your cheers and tears, and I won’t stop repeating it for as long as I breathe: There is no wealth in the world that could replace even a little of your boundless love! What you forgave him while you were alive and you still forgive him today. I am convinced that she watches us happily from heaven, to which you adoringly added a star on the day of her departure from this life, and from today also from the wall in which you immortalized her with so much love and art. You are her holy Albania, my dear Albania. The one that never dies!

Proud of you, nobleman over the wall!

Humble before you, dear Albania!

Gratitude RTSH!

Gracias Maximiliano Bagnasco!

Thank you Helidon Haliti!”

The initiative for this mural comes within the framework of “Mural Fest Tirana”, a project under the direction of the well-known artist Helidon Haliti. According to Halit, the idea to immortalize Vaçe Zela in this way was born from the desire to honor one of the greatest icons of Albanian culture, who left an indelible mark on the country’s music.

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