African Plague, Deputy Minister: The virus causes the death of 100% of the pig population

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The Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Arian Jaupllari, has stated that it is an infectious disease that affects the population of wild and domestic pigs.

Jaupllari made the comments in Euronews where he said that this virus can cause up to 100% of the pig population to die. He also added that if it is noticed that some of these animals are affected by the virus, they should be eliminated immediately, to prevent the spread of the disease further.

“African swine fever is an infectious disease that affects wild and domestic pig populations. Its cause is a virus that spreads very quickly and has a very high virulence. The spread of this virus can cause up to 100% of the pig population to die. If infected, a population of pigs must be culled, as they are destined to die, to prevent the virus from spreading further.

It has a very strong microbe resistance. It resists dirt, water, etc. But what is obvious, if it is treated up to 70 degrees for 30 minutes, the microbe is destined to die. The consequences of this microbe are not in humans, as it does not spread to humans”, said Jaupllari.

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