Myslim Murrizi explodes against Bardhi and other colleagues: Caterpillars that will start vomiting again against the Democrats after the 2025 elections

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Former MP Myslim Murrizi has warned of a new clash in the Democratic Party after the 2025 elections if the party loses.

He sent a message to Berisha that Gaz Bardhi and his friends will attack him immediately after the elections. According to him, the whole game is played to ensure a place on the lists of candidates.

According to him, this group of people are afraid of the citizens’ vote and made a deal with Rama to keep the lists closed.

“You can’t pretend to be different when you take part in “cooking” a dog soup for some disgusting dogs who don’t care about the opposition and oppositionists, but only for a stinking chair in Parliament.

And when I heard Mr. Ylli Manjani on Euroneës TV who told Oerd Bylykbashi in his face that it is not a coincidence that Gaz Bardhi is a member of every commission created by Rama, I am convinced that the group of polluting gases will start vomiting again against the democrats and the opposition after the 2025 elections, if Berisha will “appoint” as MPs these caterpillars who are afraid of the Albanian vote and have declared themselves as “lovers” of closed lists or dry lists as they are otherwise called, Murrizi writes on social networks.

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