“We were amused by the curratai” – Gjekmarkaj ironizes Basha: We were looking for him in the shows about lost people and here he appeared!

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The deputy of the Democratic Party, Agron Gjekmarkaj, reacted with irony to the leader of the Democratic Party, Lulzim Basha, who appeared in a conference with journalists where he spoke at length about the current political situation in the country.

Gjekmarkaj says that we had missed him, “we were looking for him on TV shows about lost people and here he appeared”.

According to the democratic deputy, “one thing stood out that the inability to blush or turn yellow had not changed”.

“A press conference with a protagonist that for a moment disconnected us from reality. The carter entertained us. We missed him. We were looking for him on TV shows about missing people and here he appeared. He laughed, grimaced, got upset, laughed again. He didn’t say anything at best, he didn’t know what he was saying often.

He killed the living, turned the dead upside down. To ache in his self-abasement as a servant taken hostage by his ambition to remain somebody when he has always been nobody. The joke of fate that requires deep reflection that the leader is not cloned, does not grow in tests, is not chosen for the lack of qualities!

Otherwise, we would have avoided this regret for a false investment that we have made in many years. He left everyone disappointed! Those who are using it for the low quality of acting, as well as those who expected a murder of conscience or a little sense of shame for the time, beat the sacrifices, the hopes that killed you with its genetic vanity! One thing stood out that the inability to blush or turn yellow had not changed!”, says Agron Gjekmarkaj’s reaction.

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