Parting ways with Lulzim Basha, Alibeaj starts collecting signatures for the new party!

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The new political season will give life to a new political movement, a product born as a result of the almost 3-year battle and schism within the largest opposition force, the Democratic Party. After the Court of Appeal decided in June to give the seal of the Democratic Party to Sali Berisha’s group, Lulzim Basha took the decision to the Supreme Court and before undertaking a new political initiative, he decided to take more time with the appeal.

But not all of his group followed him down this path. The most vocal anti-Berishists, headed by Enkelejd Alibeajn, have decided to advance the idea of ​​creating a new party.

Report TV has learned that during the summer, as almost all politics rested, they are nearing the end of collecting the necessary signatures, 3,000 of which are needed for the creation of a new party, while legal experts are working on the last details of the Constitution of a political party, statute.

The document, which Report TV has read, details the principles on which the “anti-Berishists” separated over time from Sali Berisha and recently from Lulzim Basha, took the steps to create the new party.

The party, according to the statute, is expected to function on a division of powers within the political body. Like the state, the construction of the party is based on “the separation of political, administrative and judicial power, which help and control each other, balancing all its internal functioning.”

The innovation is also the creation of an entity guaranteeing the preservation of the party’s political and ideological line. This entity will have the powers to call and exercise direct democracy whenever deformations of the principles on which the party was created and built will be noticed.

Even the chairman, as in DP, will be elected through the vote of the membership.

“In the drafting of the charter, we had the intention to envisage direct democracy (that which flows directly from the most ordinary member of the party) as the main element on which the construction and operation of the party is based,” a source told Report TV, which while quoting the statute, he highlighted the fact that the group aims to convey the idea of ​​a party, not the president.

“Frequently exercised direct democracy, accompanied by the separation of powers within the political organization, brings to life a subject with functional internal democracy and the departure from the cult of the individual”, the Statute explains.

Report TV has learned that soon, the name will be decided and it is expected that this new alternative will be presented publicly. It will remain to be seen if it will be the voices against Berisha who will join as members of this new party and if Enkelejd Alibeaj, as one of Berisha’s biggest critics, will be trusted to lead the force newest political within the right.

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