The mother drowned in the Buna river together with her 3 minor children, the Appeal gives the decision for Erdgys Arraz!

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The Court of Appeal has imprisoned Erdgys Arraz, the husband of Alma Arraz, who allegedly jumped into the Buna river together with their 3 minor children.

Erdgys Arrazi is accused of causing the suicide of the 39-year-old woman and three minors, 9, 8 and 3 years old, whose bodies were found in the river after several days of searching.

It is suspected that Alma Arrazi, together with her three minor children, on the evening of May 2 in the waters of the Buna River in Shkodër.

Alma Arraz’s sister has accused her husband of psychological violence that has been going on for years, and recently the situation between them has become even more tense due to a relationship with a 17-year-old girl, who has accepted the relationship with Erdgysi after was questioned.

Meanwhile, in the last images of the woman with her three children, as she parted from her sister-in-law after drinking coffee, she was seen walking with the younger son, while the older daughter was holding a bag in her hand.

It is suspected that 39-year-old Alma Arrazi, after drinking coffee with her sister-in-law, crossed the old Buna bridge on foot and then continued towards the new bridge. She went down with the children to the river bank where it is suspected that she committed the serious act by drowning together with 3 minors, an event which is thought to have happened around 22:00 on May 2.

Until now, there is no witness who has seen the 39-year-old woman and the children walking on the bridge or even sitting down under the new bridge of Buna or even the moment when Alma Arrazi ended her life and that of the children.

Also, at least until now, there is no witness who could have seen Alma Arraz jumping into the water with the little ones, or heard the noises and screams of children.

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