“If I would enter, I would come out the winner”, Spartak Ngjela for Ilnisa, Rika and Roza: They play the roles of a…

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Lawyer Ngjela, invited to Top News, says he is sure that if he entered, he would win the grand prize. As for the three BBV contestants Roza, Ilnisa and Rike, Ngjela says that they are playing the roles of a theater.

Fjori Dardha: Would you join “BBV” as a lawyer?

Spartak Ngjela: They asked me, but I refused two or three years ago. There are two reasons, it wouldn’t increase my audience, I would keep my audience and with that I could win, but the point is that there you are isolated and I don’t care about isolation because I have many open issues in the positive sense of the word. You can stay there for 2-3 months.

Fjori Dardha: What could make you a winner?

Spartak Ngjela: Knowing people, because I have known them in abnormal situations, in isolation, and there is isolation. I know the consciousness of isolation, I know who the compromises are, I understand who has gone into delirium and pessimism, but of course I would create my own results, maybe I wouldn’t win…

Fjori Dardha: Are there characters that intrigue you inside the BBV house, that you like?

Spartak Ngjela: The competition of three girls, they can be very beautiful, they have artistic value in theater history because theater is that. They are not there because they are playing the roles of a theater and they are conflicted even about their beauty because they are playing the role of a scripted play. They are there to enter into conflict for the sake of beauty and victory, and they write their own plays. Each of them is in the making of how it will turn out psychologically in function of each other.

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