Tomorrow Italy takes over the immigrant camp in Gjadër! A list of tips on how to behave in Albania has been handed to the police

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The immigrant reception camp is ready to open its doors to receive on Tuesday, August 20, the first contingent of Italian police forces, who will guarantee security in the centers set up in Gjadër and Shengjin.

Among other things, these police officers were given a list of advice on how to behave in Albania in accordance with local traditions. All asylum requests will be processed in this waiting area located inside the port of Shengjin in a space of 4 thousand meters, in Gjadër, about 30 kilometers from Shengjin.

Immigrants who will be refused this request will be repatriated. The agreement with Italy for immigrants was signed in November of last year and then ratified by both Parliaments, while in our country an approval of the Constitutional Court was also requested. Based on it, no more than 3,000 illegal immigrants who will be caught in international waters will stay in the Gjadri camp.

The United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) will monitor the first three months of the implementation of the agreement. The agency said it will advise migrants of their right to seek asylum and will ensure that the procedures to be used are “in line with international and regional human rights standards”.

The maximum capacity of the number that the center will receive in Albania cannot be more than 3 thousand immigrants per month and at the end of the evaluation procedures, the Italian authorities will remove the refugees from the Albanian territory at their own expense. According to the agreement between the two countries, Italy and Albania, “The competent Albanian authorities allow the entry and stay in the Albanian territory of the migrants sheltered in the structures mentioned in point 1, with the sole purpose of carrying out the border or repatriation procedures, provided by the legislation Italian and European and for the time strictly necessary for it.

In case, for any reason, the right to stay in the structures is not implemented, the Italian side immediately transfers the migrants from the Albanian territory. Transfers to and from these structures are the responsibility of the competent Italian authorities.

The entry of migrants into the territorial waters and the territory of the Republic of Albania will be carried out exclusively by means of the competent Italian authorities. At the moment of arrival in the Albanian territory, the competent authorities of each of the parties will continue separately with the fulfillment of the criteria provided by the relevant national legal provisions, as well as adhering to the conditions of this protocol. The expenses for the adaptation of one or more structures for the entry of migrants into the territory of the Republic of Albania will be fully covered by the Italian side”.

The Italian side commits to build, also, the structures dedicated to the Albanian personnel, which will protect the external perimeter of the areas, in order to implement the obligations according to point 2, article 6, of this protocol.

“The Albanian side facilitates the provision of services necessary for the operation of the structures mentioned in annex 1, for which conditions no less favorable than those applied to similar structures will be applied. The costs necessary for the provision of these services are fully covered by the Italian side. The expenses incurred by the Italian side for the construction of the structures mentioned in annex 1 are exempted from indirect customs duties and taxes.

The Italian side does not request exemptions from taxes or other payments, regardless of how they are named, which represent charges for the use of public services. In the agreements cited for the needs of the construction and management of the structures mentioned in article 4, the competent authorities of the Italian side are exempted from currency restrictions or controls and can freely transfer currencies, regardless of the provisions of the provisions in force in the Republic of Albania. The Albanian side undertakes to facilitate the carrying out of customs practices for the materials and equipment requested by the Italian side, in order to carry out the activities, according to this protocol”.

The competent authorities of the parties will cooperate to maintain the security of the areas. The competent authorities of the Albanian side ensure the maintenance of order and public safety in the outer perimeter of the areas and during land transport to and from the same areas, which is carried out in the Albanian territory. “The competent authorities of the Italian side ensure the preservation of order and security within the areas. The competent authorities of the Albanian side can enter the area, with the express consent of the head of the structure. Exceptionally, the authorities of the Albanian side may enter, notifying the head of the structure of the Italian side, in case of fire, other serious and imminent danger that requires immediate intervention. For the implementation of mutual tasks related to security, each party sets up a unit responsible for the smooth running, coordination and supervision of security issues. The competent Italian authorities will take the necessary measures to ensure the stay of migrants within the zones, not allowing their unauthorized exit to the rest of the territory of the Republic of Albania, both during the duration of the administrative procedures and at the end of them, whichever be the final result”, the bilateral agreement states.

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