From blocking the airport to universities, DP ready for protests after Salianj’s conviction

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The opposition warns of civil disobedience from the plenary sessions, up to the blocking of road axes, airports and ports, as well as universities after the 1-year prison sentence of the democratic deputy, Ervin Salianji.

From the meeting of the Presidency, Sali Berisha demanded from his people a tooth-to-tooth confrontation with what he called Prime Minister Rama’s narcotics.

“Our position will be an opposition, big and small, with all those who dare, in protest, in protest, in protest. Our attitude will be to embrace the model of resistance in the street, in the square, of tooth for tooth confrontation as the absolute greatest objective”.

He accused Edi Rama of declaring war on the opposition with the decision against Salianji.

“Deputy Ervin Salianji, with the lawsuit of the international drug trafficker, Geron Xhafa prestanome of Fatmir and Edi Rama, was sentenced to one year in prison for the courage he showed by denouncing a terrible criminal connection, which had consequences of illegal trafficking, disappearance of persons, murder of one of the most powerful clans, the clan of the Minister of the Interior, Fatmir Xhafaj. With this act, dear citizens, Edi Rama declared open war on PD, declared open war on the opposition and all citizens.”

Berisha also considered the Prime Minister’s statements to the chairman of the democratic parliamentary group, Gazment Bardhi, regarding the Xibraka case as threats.

“You have seen the ultimatums and warnings he gives to the chairman of the parliamentary group and the deputy chairman of the DP, Gazment Bardhi. Salianji was sentenced today, but he finished his work with Salianji. Today, the chairman of the parliamentary group was attacked, because he dared to bring the trafficker Ols back on stage”.

It is learned that the Presidency finally decided that the first protest will be held on October 6.

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