From the incident to criticism of the EU, what happened during Rama’s meeting in Italy

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The meeting with his supporters in Milan turned out to be more “lukewarm” compared to the rally that Edi Rama held a few days ago in Greece.

What caught the eye in the sports palace in Milan beyond the flag of Albania was not missing the one of the European Union or even Italy. Unlike what happened in Greece, where Rama’s supporters were ordered not to carry the Greek flag in order to convey to the public the propaganda that Rama wanted, “nationality” and “patriotism” for Albania, which is being abandoned by young people every day.

It was not very clear whether Rama in Italy met immigrants or patronageists and the administration as he did in the meeting he held in Athens and where it was clearly proven that dozens of buses had gone filled from all the municipalities of the country to fill Edi Rama’s hall in Athens.

From a simple observation a few days ago, the airline companies increased the price of flight tickets 5-fold precisely for May 26, which coincides with the day when Rama held the meeting with his supporters in Italy.

Rama, in his speech before the supporters at the tour in Milan, declared that Albanians even under communism turned their antennas from Italy, a country they loved even under the dictatorship. Rama says that Albanians were discriminated even in the 1990s, while today they are equal citizens of Europe.

“In the 1990s, Albanians felt discriminated against. There was a robbery, the local newspapers said it was an Albanian. There was a murder and the media said it was an Albanian. Even when he fled in an unknown direction, the unknown killer was Albanian. The Albanians had fallen in love with Italy and Serie A and the Italian National Team were in their hearts. Even under the dictatorship, the Albanians loved Italy and its treasures. The Albanians returned the antennas from Italy, like the anti-aircraft communist state,” said Rama.

Rama “released” criticism towards the European Union

Prime Minister Edi Rama from Italy has issued “criticism” of the European Union. Rama said that the EU should not expand with the “turtle step”, justifying the failure to fulfill the “tasks” that the Union has set for the socialist government, which is immersed in corruption.

“We Albanians are equal in the progress of the fate of that ethnic project, on the path of our indivisible European destinies, where the democratic states of Europe, either we all come out on top together as Europeans without distinction, or we all fall behind the world together, in a Europe that is challenged like never before since the second world war.

Germany called it reunification and came out on top without expecting or demanding that the East Germans become suitable in a process with standard criteria, but also with political games. While the EU had to drag on for decades with the so-called enlargement until Russian Tsarism appeared as the needle opening the first war of conquest on this continent and making Europe finally understand that it should unite through the waters of democracy and not expand with the step of a turtle through the channels of the bureaucracy”, said Rama, among other things.

“Stain of shame!”/ Rama: Albanians in Italy did not change their names forcibly as happened in Greece

Prime Minister Edi Rama has stated that the Albanians of Italy did not change their names en masse as happened with the Albanians of Greece, which according to him is a stain of shame.

Rama said that although the Albanians of Italy did not face the same situation as those of Greece, still according to him, they experienced many sufferings during the first years of emigration.

“The Italy of the time was fortunately not the Greece of that time. Not only the Italian people, like the Greek people, generously opened the door to the Albanians, helping them to get back on their feet, but also the Italian governments, although very frightened by the newly appeared phenomenon of mass migration, dealt with Albania in another form.

You Albanians in Italy did not change their names forcibly as happened in Greece. For a true and honorable reason that we all know and that will remain a stain of shame in the democratic history of Europe. But there were not a few cases when you voluntarily undertook this change of identity after that haunting call of the ‘Albanian state,'” said Rama.

Expelled more than 1 million Albanians in 10 years, Rama is justified: The opposition is lying
Prime Minister Edi Rama has responded from Italy to the accusations of the opposition, regarding the first meeting held with the diaspora, the one in Greece, where it was said that the stadium was filled with the administration taken by bus from Tirana.

Rama also said that the opposition’s accusations that 1 million Albanians have left the country is an evil lie. The head of the government admitted that many young people have fled from Albania, but he justified his failure by attacking the opposition.

Meanwhile, it is worth noting that during the government of this one who is reciting about the exodus of Albanians in Italy, more than 1 million Albanians have left the country. This is the worst truth that this man and his power have brought to the Albanians these 10 years.

“Some people were saying these days that I shouldn’t have come here because under my leadership, 1 million Albanians have fled Albania. This is a big evil and shameful lie, just like the one about the buses coming from Tirana that came out of those evil mouths that insulted the Albanians of Greece who melted like a river into the sea in that representation of Athens. Albania, stuck in 1.5 million inhabitants, a narco-state, drowned in corruption, where there is neither work nor hope, exists only in the abyss of those mouths that haunt the land and children of Albania since Albania declared its independence. Yes, the truth is that many Albanians have fled in these 10 years, they have fled more than they have returned, the truth is that they have fled”, said Rama.

Incident at Rama’s meeting in Milan, Diaspora distributes flyers

An incident was recorded today at the sports palace in Milan, where the meeting between Prime Minister Edi Rama and his supporters is being held.

Some Albanian immigrants threw flyers in the hall with the message: “I want to vote 2025, from the Diaspora”.

After that, the immigrants were forcefully taken out of the hall, where what stood out was the large presence of Edi Rama’s bodyguards.

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