They did not provide services and took them privately, 8 security measures for doctors and staff of the Oncology Hospital in Tirana

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The judge of Tirana, Armela Hansantari, has imposed security measures against eight people, among them doctors at the Oncology Hospital of the State University of Health, surgeons, the former deputy general director of the hospital and pharmacists and employees.

The measures were given after an investigation by the Prosecutor’s Office of Tirana about the drugs in the Oncology Hospital which were allegedly sold to private hospitals.

The journalist of Top Channel, Anila Hoxha, reported that in the investigations, stimulated purchases of medicines were used, from where it was discovered how doctors sent patients to hospitals.

Prosecution sources said that during the investigation, the prosecution bought cytostatics (chemotherapy) to prove the suspicions that hospital drugs were sold to private hospitals.

In the framework of this operation, the security measures “House arrest” and obligation to appear for

1. Edmond Gashi (Doctor at the Oncology Hospital in QSUNT) accused of the criminal offense of “Abuse of duty” provided by Article 248 of the Penal Code with the security measure “House Arrest” provided by Article 237 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

2. Emiljano Lela (Coordinator at the Oncology Hospital at QSUNT) accused of the criminal offense of “Abuse of duty” provided by Article 248 of the Criminal Code with the security measure “Compulsion to Appear” provided by Article 234 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

3. Alketa Ymeri (Pere) (Doctor at the Oncology Hospital in QSUNT) accused of the criminal offense of “Abuse of duty” provided by Article 248 of the Criminal Code with the security measure “Compulsion to Appear” provided by Article 234 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

4. Brikena Qirjazi (Deputy Director at QSUNT charged with duties for the oncology service) accused of the criminal offense of “Abuse of duty” provided for by Article 248 of the Criminal Code with the security measure “Compulsion to Appear” provided for by Article 234 of the Criminal Procedure Code.

5. Halil Gashi accused of the criminal offense of “Concealment of income” provided by article 180/1 of the Criminal Code with the security measure “Compulsion to Appear” provided by article 234 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

6. Florian Marku accused of the criminal offense of “Trading and transportation of contraband goods” and “Storage or storage of contraband goods” provided by articles 178 and 179 of the Penal Code.

7. The “Megis” medical clinic was seized and it was communicated that it should not exercise its activity until a second moment.

8. For the citizen Drilona Kishta, for whom the “Compulsion to Appear” security measure was imposed, accused of the criminal offense “Abuse of Duty” provided for by Article 248 of the Penal Code, the execution of the criminal decision was not carried out since this citizen was abroad and an announcement has been made at the border.

They were employed in the state hospital “Mother Teresa” as oncologists and using their duties they did not provide the proper service in the state hospital but referred patients to private hospitals to receive the service required by them.

The source of cobalt used for radiotherapy was also located in the “Mother Teresa” hospital, but it was not put into operation and was out of condition, turning into a source of danger for patients.

During the investigation, it was possible to move this source and place it in the adapted room.

Control was carried out in several pharmaceutical entities where a significant amount of suspected and counterfeit contraband goods and an amount of 10,000 Euros were seized in the pharmaceutical entity “Flori Farma”.

The procedural materials were passed to the Prosecutor’s Office at the Court of First Instance of the General Jurisdiction of Tirana, in charge of the aforementioned citizens, for the criminal offenses of “Smuggling with other goods”, Trading and transporting goods that are contraband”, “Storage and storage of goods that are contraband”, and “Misuse of duty” provided by article 174, 178, 179 and 248 of the Penal Code.

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