“It was not a hidden camera” – The journalist tells what is hidden behind Ahmetaj’s video that was published by “Rai 3”

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Milaim Zeka was invited yesterday to “Top Talk” on Top Channel, where he commented on the second part of the report published by “Rai 3”.

Zeka said that the video of the fugitive ex-minister Arben Ahmeetaj was not a hidden camera of the Italian journalist, but it was an attempt by Ahmeetaj to appear as a victim in order to gain asylum in Switzerland.

“First, I can guarantee you that it was not a hidden camera, because according to the rules of Italian television and all the world’s media, the journalist can film with hidden cameras, but in the end he is obliged to declare it.

After the statement, if you are willing to give an interview in front of the camera, he has no right to use the hidden camera footage. This is the game of Arben Ahmetaj and the journalist. Ahmetaj is doing his best to gain political asylum in Lugano, Switzerland.

He is a fugitive from his country, who did not flee from dictatorship, did not flee from politics or political persecution, but fled because he is involved up to his neck in a million thefts and frauds, tenders, a million pages of black.

He will wash away himself as an individual and is tarnishing Albania. He is trying to present himself as a victim to gain political asylum. If you think that ‘Rai 3’ has done a serious job, don’t forget what the ‘New York Times’ did about the affairs with weapons that Sali Berisha’s son was involved in” – said Zeka.

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