He insulted women, calling them not very wise, Bujar Kapexhiu reacts for the first time

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“Here I have it absolutely, it can only be an exceptional exception in the world, a woman who writes humor, there is none, because humor is the privilege of the wise.”

It was this statement by Bujar Kapexhiu, which caused a media frenzy a few days ago, as during an interview he stated that humor is the privilege of the wise.

Invited today to “KAFE SHQETO”, the screenwriter said that humor is included among the most difficult genres.

“The problem is that they say that Bujari deals with this and that, and I have actually eliminated all these statements.

I call myself that I deal with one thing, I am in the field of humor and satire, which are normally in different genres, which help each other to be appreciated as much as they are to be appreciated.

When I say that humor is one of the most difficult genres today and weather it will continue to be so because in everyday life, which is a serious life, little bits are humorous that you have to know how to catch t you find their point of view by placing them in the interest of society in the interest of progress.

Humor is a thing, that the humorist has a task, that is, he will hit and must mock, stigmatize, ironize, that is, something that is backward, old, unacceptable for morality and there are some things that make it difficult to catch and to treat the mood.

There are people who tell jokes and show them well, but there are also people who listen well, there are also people who laugh well, and usually intellectuals have all three together,” he said.

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