The former deputy of the SP, Arben Ndoka, is wanted. The latter was declared wanted after the mega-operation by order of SPAK, where 50 arrest warrants were issued.
In 2019, the Serious Crimes Prosecutor’s Office seized the property of the former deputy of the SP, Arben Ndoka, who was arrested in October 2018 as part of the “Volvo 4” operation, as being involved in a property alienation scheme.
We recall that from the telephone interceptions of the Prosecutor’s Office, Arben Ndoka was involved in a property alienation scheme in the area of Kunes and Rana e Hedhun in Shengjin. Everything was revealed by the prosecution’s investigations about Arben Ndoka’s brother, Gjevi Ndoka, as being connected to the group of Avdylajs of Shijak, who are accused of drug trafficking and ordering heroin from Hasi’s laboratory.
The properties were obtained illegally through forgery.