“Opposition, sunken ship”, Topi categorically rejects any invitation from “Reestablishment”: I have closed accounts with them in …

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The anti-corruption resolution received the majority of votes in yesterday’s plenary session. Today’s vote for former president Bamir Topi is a great paradox, from which the only winner is Prime Minister Edi Rama.

Invited to “Ditari” by Bruna Çifligu, the former president spoke about the miserable state of the opposition, which creates even more comfortable conditions for the socialist majority.

“A premeditated advantage, executed today by the prime minister, to discuss a topic that no one is against… but it itself has deep problems with corruption.”

According to Topi, today’s prime minister is a kind of comfort that creates opportunities for him to think that everything can be accomplished.

Meanwhile, focusing on the diaspora tour, the former president says that they serve the upcoming electoral race.

“The goal of the prime minister today is such that, after 11 years of government, he appears with a new model: the model of contact with Albanian citizens. In itself, he hides his plan to start a campaign different from other times, to attract attention and to curate the image.”

As he emphasized that the Albanian immigrants have managed to integrate into the societies of the countries where they live by their own efforts, without any help from the Albanian state, Topi added that the government still has to solve the “problems” of the Albanians inside the country, and not then of those who have emigrated. This also applies to the issue of Cham properties.

While, turning to internal politics, for Bamir Topi, the opposition has no offer for the next elections, and the only goal left for him is to “capture the opposition institution in the next elections.”

Asked if he would accept a proposal made by the Reestablishment group at a table for Electoral Reform, or for the future of the opposition, Topi was decisive.

“No. The first debate with the representative of that group ended in 2008. It was he and Edi Rama who made the constitutional changes. And it’s not the problem that they destroyed democracy in political parties, but they also destroyed the relationship between institutions.”

For Bamir Topi, the opposition today is a sunken ship.

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