After the loss of his wife, actor Agron Llakaj reacts for the first time

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The well-known actor and author of Al Pazar on Vizion Plus Agron Llakaj lost his life partner, his wife Kostandina, a few days ago.

Today, Agroni has shared a video thanking all the people who made his pain a little easier on the hardest days.

He also spoke about Constantine’s battle with illness. Her strength. The motive that the actor made humor with a knife in the heart, as he says.

“Unable to respond to all messages on the occasion of the loss of our dear man, our Constantine and my Constantine. I am addressing you with this video message of thanks and deep gratitude for every kind word from you to us. Both joys and sorrows are shared with people and friends.

The mountain of pain that Constantine left behind has no words to express it. The weight is too big. It is precisely because of this pain that we are accepting suffering. I have read many of your messages to cherish her memory. We will not save her memory because she is in our every breath. We don’t choose life, it is like that.

In two years, Kostandina showed that he was not just the pillar of the house, but he was also the man with the strongest character. In these two years, in this human tragedy, in this battle with a merciless disease, it was she who gave me the opportunity to practice my profession. Making humor with a knife in the heart is difficult. Constantine was the motive. The disease became stronger. I hope that what Constantine left behind, my children will inherit. Great human love, respect above all.

I mean a lot. But touched and excited by the participation of all people, I want to express my great thanks, gratitude and tell you to love and respect each other. The greatest wealth that God can give you is health. Everything else is very small. Have a happy day with health and full hearts! Respect and gratitude from me personally, my children, nieces and nephews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

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