PDIU voted for ‘Rama-Meloni’, Sula: The baklava of the majority ends, it goes to the leader of the opposition

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Democratic Party MP Dashnor Sula has stated that the tense situation in Parliament is dictated by circumstances.

Invited to News24, he said, among other things, that the majority wants to vote for the Criminal Amnesty, while they are violating and beating the opposition.

Regarding article 5 of the draft law, from which the head of PD Lulzim Basha claims that officials convicted of corruption benefit, Sula said that as long as murderers and rapists are pardoned and amnestied, it makes no sense to exclude persons convicted of corruption, crime of a lower risk.

“The situation in the Parliament, we are forced by the circumstances. I appeal that the majority is the first to return normality. Considering the reason why we have gone to this point. Even in the case of Amnesty, a favorable moment for the parties to have a different approach. Democracy is participation. Without participation there is autocracy.

Take for example the votes for Amnesty. They are asking us to vote for it after they beat us, rape us. As for Article 5 of the Criminal Amnesty, when it pardons murderers and rapists, it makes no sense to exclude acts of corruption. I love amnesty. Will I be called a traitor? All parties should discuss and have a complete and coordinated product at the end. First of all, Amnesty should be done. My first appeal is to Mr. Rama. I already have different approaches with Berisha, but I don’t forget the debate about the local elections of 2007 about the security elements of the certificate, which Berisha said is up to the majority to create the conditions for the opposition to be equal to us in the elections”, he said. Sula spoke also in relation to the Rama-Meloni agreement for immigrants and the fact that the Ram-Meloni agreement passed in yesterday’s session with the help of PDIU votes.

“It’s like her work: the baklava of the majority ends, then it goes to the kadaif of the opposition,” he said.

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