Why did you leave? Ahmetaj speaks: I didn’t run away, but…

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Former Deputy Prime Minister Arben Ahmetaj, who has been stripped of his immunity and is currently abroad but whose exact address is still unknown, gave an interview to journalist Çim Peka.

The interview will be broadcast tonight at dinner, but Peka has published a part of this interview.

As it is understood in the published video, it is the beginning of the interview where Ahmetaj tells why he left Albania.

He says that his struggle is threefold and that he was prepared for extremity from the moment it began.

Part of the conversation:

Peka: Unusual interview, as we announced. An interview that has certainly aroused a lot of interest, we will get answers to many questions posed to the former number two of the government that Edi Rama, Mr. Arben Ahmetaj.

Mr. Ahmetaj, thank you for finding the time, although it is a turbulent time for you, but it is of great interest to the public to know all the reasons that Arben Ahmetaj, the number two of Edi Rama’s government, was forced to leave Albania and not face physically justice. With the new justice, which, like Mr. Rama, you are also proud of, it was the main reform of this majority.
The first question for Arben Arben Ahmetaj is, why did you leave Albania and not stay to face justice?

Ahmetaj: Thank you Mr. Peka for the interview. I answered your request for an interview for a very simple reason. First and foremost, to my knowledge, you are the television of… you are one of the few televisions not financed by incinerators. The battle against me has been a threefold battle; political, political-media and political-legal. The bed has been political, then legal-media has been according to the instrumentalization and the moment.

I also wanted to clarify to all those who are interested, I did not escape from Albania, as someone who tries to pretend to be knowledgeable or well-informed claims, neither did anyone allow me to leave, nor did anyone help me to leave… the moment that I learned that my immunity was required, it was July 8 or 9, I was with my family outside Albania for vacation. And I want to clarify to the Albanians that I was prepared for the extremity from the moment it started, because the Albanians think that it started with the mercenary who appeared before SPAK, with the paid by the incinerators who appeared before SPAK, no…

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