Rama responds to accusations of shopping with Sali Berisha

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Prime Minister Edi Rama has reacted regarding the negotiations of the PS with the Reestablishment of Sali Berisha. In a reaction on social networks, the head of the government responded to the accusations against these negotiations, denying the negotiations “with non-women and respecting the constitution”.

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“All the useful idiots have gone to social media and channels to say that we have swallowed what we have said and are cooperating with Non Grata, why do we agree that, according to the framework established by the Constitutional Court, we approve investigative commissions within this framework!

Yes, we have said this dozens of times, since we refused to approve requests to set up investigative commissions outside that framework! And if members of the Assembly who collect the signatures to set up an investigative commission make the request within that framework, we have neither the right, nor the reason, nor the opportunity to reject it. And whenever this happens, our vote is certainly in favor!

What is there to draw attention to except the need to poison the public with completely baseless accusations and slander about medemek “the deal with Non Grata”, which simply does not exist?”.

As for the electoral reform commission, he taught his position that if it produces nothing but trouble, it will be closed when its term ends, and the election will be held with the current electoral code.

“Even for the bipartisan Electoral Reform Commission, we have been saying for some time that if it doesn’t create anything but their quarrels and clamor until the deadline ends, the commission will also be closed and this work will be left to the Assembly, where can any understanding be reached for changes to the law and there are no numbers in the hall to vote for changes, we will go to the elections with the law we have. We have not changed any attitude or opinion about this either.

So where is this bazaar and where does Non Grata come in?!“

Rama emphasized that it is not the SP that has changed its position, but it is the opposition MPs who have reflected.

“Ah, if those who would burn the parliament have changed their minds and want to return to work, we neither can prevent them, nor do we want to prevent them from reflecting, on the contrary, we are glad that they do. That’s all and we are who we were, where we were, with the same attitudes we had, not because it is wrong to change an attitude, but because there is nothing to change in our attitude. It’s a wonder that they couldn’t learn that the Socialist Party is always three steps ahead and in the end all empty rounds end at the point where they start, three steps behind us”.

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