Scandalous road in the village of Dukas in Mallakastër/ The municipality has no funds for repairs, but only for covering potholes

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What you see in the picture is the road in the village of Dukas in the municipality of Mallakastra.

Apparently, the road is in a deplorable state and according to the residents of the area, the only repair on it is to cover the holes with black plastic.

Two years ago, the journalist of ‘Zjarr Televizione’, Greta Hoxha asked the mayor of Mallakastra, Qerim Ismailaj, about repairing this road, but according to the mayor, the municipality did not have funds for this investment.

Residents also point out that the municipality of Mallakastra has built another road alongside this road, to which very few citizens have access.

We recall that due to the lack of drinking water, the road is also used by the residents of the city of Ballsh, because there is a drinking water tap on it.

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