“Sali Berisha called me at 2 in the morning on the phone”, Meçani: He asked me about…

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The former spokesperson of Sali Berisha, when he was prime minister, the journalist Juela Meçani has told her story with the chairman of the Democratic Party, Sali Berisha, for whom she says that when he was prime minister, he was not hindered by fatigue from his busy agenda. to take an interest in her daughter’s health.

In an interview on RTSH, Meçani showed her gratitude for the leader of the opposition, as she says that for her, Berisha will always be that example.

“For me, Sali Berisha will remain the man, the prime minister of the country, who was remembered after having held 14 meetings, at 2 in the morning he called me and told me; had the girl’s temperature dropped?

For me, Sali Berisha is him’, said Meçani.

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