“There are no parents 1 and 2” – The court rejects the request of two women for the registration of the children

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The Supreme Court rejected the request of two citizens Edlira Mara and Alba Ahmetaj, who asked to register the two children with equal parental rights.

The request of the two women to the court came after their sensational marriage in the premises of the capital’s town hall, which caused strong reactions in the public.

The Supreme Court, arguing for the rejection of the request, said that it was not based on the Family Code of the Republic of Albania.

The court also underlines that the administrative unit cannot take a decision that is not based on the Family Code.

So the Supreme Court has left in effect the decision of the Administrative Appeal, where the notion of parent 1 and parent 2 for children, instead of mother and father, is not accepted.

“Amendment of the administrative act return letter no. 2627/1 prot, dt. 15.04.2021 and the obligation of the respondent to register the children H.M. and A.M., female twins, born on dt. 18.01.2021, in Tirana and to register as mothers the plaintiffs Alba Ahmetaj and Edlira Mara with equal maternity rights in the same composition.

The court decided:

Enforcing decision no. 573, dated 02.12.2022 of the Administrative Court of Appeal”, it is stated in the announcement of the decision of the Supreme Court.

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