You don’t know it today, Rama used to advertise the device that Fevziu used to show poisonous products

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A few days ago, the government tasked the journalists with bringing the Minister of Agriculture to refute a video on Instagram by the journalist Blendi Fevziu. The latter had demonstrated by means of a device the high level of nitrate in local agricultural products. Their measure should be 90, but the result is many times higher, the detector scored 1000.

Minister Anila Denaj rejected this demonstration, stating that the only institution that certifies products is the Institute of Food Safety and Veterinary Medicine (ISUV).

“The institution responsible for all laboratory analyzes is ISUV, a state institution focused on the accreditation of laboratory tests. Today there are 1361 controls. It is also tracked where there are products that may have a high content of some products such as nitrate. We must give up equipment that is not certified” – said Minister Denaj.

But in fact, the same apparatus that today the government calls “uncertified” was used by Prime Minister Edi Rama himself a few years ago. On his Facebook page, there is still this publication of June 13, 2018, when the head of the government was showing how the Albanian tomato is clean and exported to the EU.

“Only one Albanian company has so far collected and exported over 6,000 tons of tomatoes and other agricultural crops, in 12 countries of the European Union, and the analyzes have revealed the percentage of chemical residues in the Albanian tomato and in all other crops , below the rate allowed by the EU And secondly, none, absolutely no Albanian agricultural product exported this year to EU countries, has resulted above the rate allowed for chemical waste in the European space” – Rama wrote, among other things, at that time, reports.

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