SPAK threw Hoxha and Qyno to us to “tear” them, but what did they hide from us?

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If one calculates the media coverage of the “spectacular attack” that SPAK undertook against Suel Çela’s gang in Elbasan, one can easily notice an anomaly.

Most of the headlines are dedicated to the “corruption” of journalists Artan Hoxha and Elton Qyno, the way they “produced news on behalf of the gangs”, in exchange for the money they received from them. To go even further, another big smoke was raised about the possible murder of Saimir Stopi.

If you read the confusion created by these “revelations” it seemed as if the SPAK “spin doctors” had achieved their goal. Pumping up the names of the journalists, they had calculated the size of the noise that this event would take, enough to silence every other aspect.

Few, very few, vigilant voices cared to raise the question: Why should it be the priority of individual prosecutors, even if it was true that Artan Hoxha was manipulated on behalf of a gang? If this has happened, it constitutes without a doubt a desecration of the journalist’s morals and profession, either by him or even by Qyno, but that’s it. They have neither killed anyone, nor ambushed anyone, nor sold votes, drugs or weapons. Their sins should be at the bottom of the list of prosecutors’ concerns, unless they were aiming to prove the “cauldron media” theory.

So, what did it matter to SPAK that Artan Hoxha had managed to manipulate Fevziu’s show, or Elton Qyno the news of Karlo Bolino? Were these the most monstrous crimes of Suel Çela’s gang? These dilemmas become even greater if one observes the scale of the episode of the attempted murder of the leader of Stop. If you read the file carefully, you will see that it is a horned fool. Suel Çela seems to be openly mocking that disgusting judge who asks him to do this, and he doesn’t even intend to shoot the journalist. Even Saimir Kodra himself modestly affirmed that he had never felt or received threats. So this bubble was just ridiculous to get the size it did.

But why was so much space in the file given to these names that were known to cause trouble and why did the prosecutors’ transmission belts in the media multiply it?

The answer to these questions can be found if you carefully read the 262 pages of the document that was “brought” directly from the offices of SPAK.

There they talk, for example, about a businessman named Bujar, or Marsel Shega, who is closely connected to Suel Çela’s gang. But, if you look at his activity, he has been favored in receiving many state tenders and public works. His companies Viola Green and Wonder Green have benefited from the money of Albanian taxpayers, in Elbasan, Berat, Peqin, Kuçovo, thus becoming the channel through which the Elbasan gang was fed with public income.

The file also shows that two of those arrested as members of the gang managed to catapult their bodies directly into Edi Rama’s hall.

Adelajda Roka has been the director of the Territorial Development Agency for a year, from which all construction permits in the country are issued. In the control of the apartment that was made to one of the brothers, it is said that business plans were also found that passed from Rama and the sister, creating a direct link between criminality and a profitable sector regulated directly by the prime minister.

The panorama takes full shape if we remember that one of these brothers, and some of his comrades in arms, were the ones who were accused of massacring Lulzim Basha and his supporters, in the middle of Elbasan in the famous incident of the summer day. in 2021. They were the same ones whose names have come up in buying votes, obtaining identity cards and closing LSI offices during the last electoral campaign.

So let’s recap a little. The criminal gang of Elbasan not only terrorized the city in complete inviolability, not only bribed policemen and judges, but the ruling party took care to supply it with public money. She received tenders and filtered construction permits that the prime minister signed with his own hand. Why did he receive these favors? For the simple reason that it was active in manipulating the elections. There is no better illustration than this file of Rama’s motto: “they steal Albania to steal votes and they steal votes to steal Albania”.

Precisely for this reason, a great noise had to be invented to hide this simple truth. Therefore, the names of Artan Hoxha and Elton Qynos were mercilessly thrown at the crowds as a good dough to feed the merciless jaws of the media mechanism. Of course, the alleged sins of these two journalists, who I don’t know if they should be called such anymore, are not small, but they are completely negligible in relation to the real crime found in that file. This is precisely why the former were used to protect the latter. And for this SPAK should really be congratulated, as it has best embraced the philosophy that reigns in Albania for at least a decade, to achieve through communication what it cannot do with work./

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