Spartak Ngjela: Rama laments Saliu’s elimination, because after his arrest…

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When I follow Saliu’s speeches isolated under accusation in his house-turned-prison, I am reminded of the Ministry of Truth from Orwell’s famous novel – 1984.

Great comedy. Even Saliu is now considering his house as the Ministry of Truth in the Democratic Party. But Orwell, in his book, a former powerful individual as in Saliu’s condition, with high artistic sarcasm he calls a NOPERSON.


Well, Saliu is now a non-person, but he cannot understand it, because the fear of arrest has made him delusional that he is leading the revolution to overthrow Edi Rama.

In fact, it is the fear of accusation, as his internal conflict, that has fueled the delirium of the leader of the revolution against Rama. But, even here, it is understood that Saliu is still afraid; because he knows that the American policy for “major corruption” gave him the entire blow in the beginning, with the whole family.

Well, it is the fear of America that leads him to Rama, at a time when Rama mourns the elimination of Saliu, because after his arrest, Rama did not live more than three or four months as prime minister of Albania.


Saliu in delirium thinks that the Albanians are now under the depression of his misfortune, and this leads him to think that the Albanians are towards the revolution in his defense, and, therefore, this is the reason why Saliu named the street of his prison: Freedom Street .

But this Saliu did not see that about 70 people had come to his rally for the revolution! And under this delirium he calls out: “I am Sali Berisha, you fools!!” Well, this is a miserable fact that shows that the delirium is driving him into madness. Why, don’t you remember Don Quixote when he saw the flock of sheep as a giant army?!



This situation is very likely to degrade Saliu even more, because there is a possibility that he will finally understand that he is unacceptable in Albania. But to understand this, he must come to mental normality, which cannot happen, because his delusions of grandeur have always had schizophrenic doses, but the isolation and punishment in prison can lead him to hallucinations dangerous to his health.

The whole way Berisha has acted to address the public opinion from his house turned into a prison, is a degradation, because he now thinks that his misfortune is also a national disaster, and this relieves him, because it gives him amplification his delusions of grandeur.

But will Sali Berisha, as a psychic, pass from the delusion of greatness to the delusion of persecution?

This is very likely to happen to him, because such cases are not rare.

Saliu often now says: “I am Sali Berisha, you fools, I am Sali Berisha”; and this is a phrase that speaks volumes for his mental degradation.

But will medical help intervene in this individual for the treatment of this schizophrenic character that Saliu expresses?

That remains to be seen.

However, Albanians should remember that before Saliu they were addressed by three other prime ministers with the symptoms of schizophrenia: Sulejman Delvina, Ahmet Zogu and Enver Hoxha: you understand now that our current situation is the result of the nervous illness that our prime ministers had: Delvina, Zogu, Enver Hoxha and Sali Berisha?!

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