Trejsi Sejdini appears in the SPAK file, “Prince Damian” started $500 in New York, he withdrew the money…

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It is not the first time that the names of well-known Albanian showbiz girls appear in investigative files related to crime figures much wanted by the authorities.

This time, the model and former Miss Universe Albania, Trejsi, seems to have fallen into the “trap” of SPAK.

This is because the Albanian beauty, who in recent years has lived between America and Albania, has been rumored to be in a relationship with Leonard Duka, the head of the Duka clan, although she has never publicly confirmed it.

However, it took a mega-operation of the Special Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office for the truth to come out.

In the investigation file, it is said that the Duke left an order to one of his soldiers, Drianto Bardhi, to send 500 dollars to Trejsi Sejdini, who was in New York. According to the file, the money was sent in the name of Drianto Bardhi and was received by the model’s friend, photographer Klevin Halili.

The file also discloses a trip that Trejsi Sejdini made with Leonard Duka, with whom he crossed the Morina border crossing point, on February 10, 2019.

Excerpts from the file:

“On 10.07.2020, Leonard Duka communicates with Drianto Bardhi, whom he refers to by the nickname “bace”, instructing him to go to Eastern Union and send $500 to Trejsi Sejdini in New York. Later, Leonardi writes to him that send the money in the name of Klevin Halili.

Referring to the verifications carried out in the TIMS system for the citizen Trejsi Sejdini, it was found that on 10.02.2019, this citizen traveled together with the citizen Leonard Duka with the vehicle with license plate AA843VU, passing through the Morine border crossing point.

On the part of the Special Prosecutor’s Office, open sources were searched for citizen Trejsi Sejdini, and media articles appear regarding the fact that this citizen is a relation of citizen Leonard Duka.”

Leonard Duka is known as the man who ordered and organized the murder of Santiago Malko, Ervis Martinaj’s right-hand man. A vehicle was also seized from Trejsi Sejdini at that time, which today has been made available to the Traffic Police.

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