He married a minor, the 34-year-old was imprisoned, he covered his face with a sweatshirt during the session

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The Court of First Instance of Fier Judicial District has imposed the security measure of “imprisonment” for 34-year-old Aranit Arapi, accused of the criminal offense of “committing sexual relations with a minor”.

Today, Arapi appeared in front of the panel of judges chaired by prosecutor Oliana Gjergjefi, to get acquainted with the security measure, related to the kidnapping and “marriage” of a 14-year-old girl in Divjaka. The case was judged by judge Klodiana Kryeziu.

Arapi was arrested in his apartment in the village of Kryekuq in Divjakë after numerous reports to the Police of the family of the minor girl, with whom the 34-year-old had been married for almost 1 year.

If it is proven that the 34-year-old had sexual relations with the minor, according to the criminal code, he risks from 7 to 15 years in prison.

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