The death of Liridona/ The expert reveals shocking details: He knew Naimi’s connections with well-known politicians…

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Expert Bedri Elezi, in a Skype connection on “Breaking”, spoke about the latest news regarding the murder of Liridona Ademaj, by her husband Naim Murseli.

According to Elez, Liridona was aware of the connections and secrets that Naimi had with high personalities and this could be one of the motives of the crime.

According to him, the names of many powerful people may also be included during the investigations.

Bedri Elezi: “The prosecutor’s office is quite closed in this matter and it seems that it has decided to be outside the orbit of communication with citizens about these developments. We have received information that investigations are underway into the fact that the deceased could have possessed secrets that would endanger or cost her life, and at the same time, investigations are underway into the couple’s relationship if they had problems in couple and had reason to go to a decision to deprive the deceased of life.

Naim Murseli had extraordinary acquaintances with well-known personalities in Kosovo and abroad and had even participated in events of high state men of powerful countries and was in the company of various powerful personalities of Kosovo.

There is a possibility that when other evidence is provided about the motives of this murder, people who may have had collaborations with him, which are related to illegal activities with other countries, may also be included, who may also be personalities. that have an impact on the procurator and the court”, he said.

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