The suicide of Bedrie Loka, what will happen to the fate of her children?!

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The care of the minor sons of Bedrie Loka will not be left to the family members of the arrested father.

Although there is still no official request in the court of Durrës for the assignment of guardianship, the children have expressed their will for legal guardians. For the 10-year-old boy, it is expected to be the older sister, while for the 16-year-old Kledjan, one of the uncles. Meanwhile, the local authorities have started helping them.

After the traumatic event, the older sister, Lina as the brothers call her, has taken on the role of parents, while the 18-year-old brother will continue to work abroad to help the family.

“The Social Service has begun to act and it is known that the children should be treated with trauma therapists, and the guardianship that will be taken should be observed as it is known that the families from the mother’s and father’s side are in trauma with their vital problems”- says Afërdita Mehmeti, trauma therapist.

According to specialists, the treatment of children with psycho-social services should be immediate and long-term, but their parents’ families also need professional help, to alleviate the trauma and resolve conflicts between them in order not to aggravate the situation further. In this situation, security takes priority, since the Loka family’s house has constantly served as a bone of contention between their mother and the family members of the arrested father.

“It is necessary to assess well where they live, the community where they are, what they face in the family, so a very good and detailed assessment is needed, since the children are traumatized and go through post-traumas that require a long time to be treated. ”

The lack of psycho-social support in the community played a role in the tragic end of the 41-year-old.

“If she had cooperated, all paths to commit suicide would not have been closed to her. We are dealing with a severe depression that was fueled by the lack of support from the community and families, which led to self-sacrifice.

After the tragedy, a working group set up by the Social Service near the municipality of Durrës has started the implementation of an intervention plan to come to the aid of 4 children who were orphaned by their mother and whose father was arrested on the charge of systematic abuse that led to the end tragic their mother. The plan focuses on psycho-social, legal and economic services, evaluating every opportunity for children, including better employment for the eldest daughter of the family, as well as the education of minor sons.

While Argjendi, the youngest son of Bedries, attends primary education, efforts are being made to offer the teenage son of the Loka family the opportunity to learn a trade. Forced also by family circumstances, the 16-year-old did not start secondary education, but went to work to help the family, just like his older brother and sister.

Pending the request, it will be the Durrës court that will evaluate and appoint the legal guardians who will provide the best conditions for the growth and development of the family’s children.

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