The murder of Gëzim Sinomataj by sniper, Muhamet Rrumbullaku in 24 hours in Vlora! Film footage is collected and old criminal files are opened

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The sniper killing of Gëzim Sinomataj while he was smoking a cigarette on the balcony of his apartment on the third floor in the city of Vlora on the evening of January 7 has shocked the country.

It is learned that the Director General of the State Police, Muhamet Rrumbullaku, has been in the Directorate of Vlora since yesterday, where he has set up a special investigative group to unravel mafia crime.

Old criminal files are also part of the analysis, while cooperating with law enforcement agencies inside and outside the country.

Also, a large number of footage from cameras in the area at the time of the murder of the 23-year-old was collected.

It is suspected that the sniper attack on the young man was carried out from inside the BMW where the perpetrators were driving, while at the time of the incident the area was without lights.

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