The murder of Liridona Ademajt/ New evidence for the serious crime is revealed: What do they say about Naim Murseli’s relationship with… What did the victim do to take revenge?

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When more than two months have passed since the shocking ambush murder of Liridona Ademaj, the mother of two children, a crime ordered by her husband Naim Murseli, it seems that the investigations in Kosovo have remained at a point of no return, almost dead.

No one has any doubt that the real killer is the husband, but where everyone is looking for a truth, an inherent motive, why Naim Murseli demanded at all costs the execution of the mother of his children.

What did she know that led the man with whom she had shared some 13 years of cohabitation to undertake the act of his execution? What is Naim Murseli trying to hide today, or to manipulate public opinion, raising from testimony to testimony, new, almost surreal scenarios. Unbelievable confessions that have convinced even the investigative team that before them they are dealing with a compulsive liar, who has put himself in a vicious circle of continuous lies, from which every time he tries to get out, the more it is aggravating his situation before the law. This is how the new story he is trying to create about the murder of his wife, Liridona, for which he continues to insist that he is not the one who ordered her murder, on the evening of November 29, 2023, on the street ‘Dalip Alshiqi’ in Pristina, only 500 meters from their new apartment.

He initially told the investigative team that his family, which at this time was driving towards their apartment in Pristina, had fallen prey to a robber and that the only thing he could do was to take the two children from the car. his and to leave Liridona alone in the vehicle. only a few moments later and not many meters after he had left with the children, he heard some gunshots. But what are the new testimonies of Naim Mursel, where he tries to give another dynamics of crime. Now they are put in the indisputable position of knowing Granit Plava, the documented shooter, who shot at Liridona, taking his life.

The killer, whom Naim Murseli initially said he did not know, but the security cameras in the bar where the latter dined the night before the crime with Liridona and the children, showed that Granit Plava was there, observing their movements. Before he followed them to the turn of the road where he was ambushed and shot at the 30-year-old. But if in the first testimony Naim Murseli said that he did not know Granit Plava, in the next confession he told the investigating group that he had established acquaintance with him over time.

Even that he had been the one who had bought the weapon of crime, but not to kill Liridona, giving him the money to buy the weapon. But why should a stranger buy a weapon from another stranger, whom he meets for the first time, and above all give him the money with which he will buy this weapon?
“The day before the incident happened, I was in Gjakova, for my personal business. There, by chance, I met Granit Plava, where Kushtrimi told me where we will meet. The meeting took place in Kramovik, at Granit’s workplace, at a gas station. From there he then climbed into my car ‘Land Rover’ with license plate 07 669 CM, black color. But on the way to the restaurant ‘Liqeni i Dukagjini’, my vehicle’s tire went flat and we went to the vicinity of Dujaka, where we met a service station and a village mechanic, who helped us fix the road,” the file says.

But surprisingly, precisely at this service point, in the presence of Naim Murseli, according to the latter’s confession, it is the mechanic of this service who offered to sell them a firearm. And this without knowing the two customers who had went there to fix the car tire.

“The mechanic who helped us fix the tire asked Granit Plava if he was interested in a gun. Granit said: ‘Yes, but I just want to see it first’. Since he liked it but didn’t have money with him, he asked me for 250 euros. During this time, my wife called me and told me that she had unexpectedly arrived in Pristina”, the file says.

So, Naim Murseli says in his testimony that Liridona, who at this moment was in her parents’ apartment, in the village of Rracaj in Gjakova, had not informed him that she was coming to Pristina and after they bought the gun from the village mechanic, he and Graniti , at the request of the latter, headed to the village of Kralan. Where Plava would take a car. Where they continued on the road in two different cars, following each other to Pristina, to the house of the two spouses.

“After we got near my house, Graniti, who was following me from behind in a car, when we approached the vehicles, told me that ‘now I know what I have to do,'” says the testimony. So according to Naim Murseli, he had smelled that Granit Plava was going to commit a murder, but he did nothing to prevent this event. Just as it happened that evening, where Naimi says that from the first moment when the masked man was ambushed, he knew that this robber was Granit Plava.

“Near the house, Granit came out masked on the street with a gun pointed at us. Even though I was aware of his presence, I never really believed that Granit would take action for murder. Shocked, I stopped, raised my hands and told Liridona to give her everything she wants. At one point I opened my door, then the children’s door, telling my wife to get out of the car. As soon as we were a few meters away, I heard a crack but didn’t see what happened,” he says.

But if Naim Murseli realized at that moment that the person with a gun in his hand hiding behind the mask was Granit Plava, why didn’t he try to prevent this event? But he decided to run away with the children and leave Liridona in the car, where he was shot with a single bullet in the neck by Granit Plava. But what overturns all Naim Murseli’s excuses, that he knew nothing about Granit Plava’s criminal plan, is the testimony of Kushtrim Kokalla.

Naimi’s first cousin, also arrested as one of his accomplices in crime. Kokalla, effective in the Kosovo Security Forces, who told the investigating group that Naim Murseli had been preparing for almost a year for the murder of his wife, where he had asked him to carry out this work himself, even offering him money in exchange, but Kokalla says that he had not accepted.

“For almost a year, Naimi has begged me to commit the murder of his wife. I told him not to listen to this anymore,” he said.

But unlike what was expected, Kushtrim Kokalla has stated that he is the connecting point between Naim Murseli and Granit Plava, but he has denied having a hand in the murder of his cousin’s wife. Granit Plava himself claimed that Naim Murseli promised him 30 thousand euros to kill Liridona. He had even told him to use a Kalashnikov to finish the job, but that was not accepted by Granit. But according to Granit Plava, the conversation about the murder of Liridona between him and Naim Murseli did not take place on the day when the execution was carried out, but a week earlier, at a fuel supply point in Gremnik in Klina, where according to him he was at the table with them Kushtrim Kokalla was also there.

“During the conversation, in the presence of the three of them, Naimi told me that you will receive 30,000 euros after we kill this woman. During this conversation, the Kalashnikov was also mentioned, but I did not accept. Just before I left, Naimi gave me 400 euros, and Kushtrimi another amount, and that’s how we agreed to do this job. Also, Naimi told us that “he will go to Albania and this work should be done while he is there”, he says. On the day of the event, Granit Plava says that Naim Murseli called him and asked him to finish the work he had started, i.e. the murder of Liridona.

“On the day of the murder, Naim called me on Whatsapp and told me that today this work must be done, telling me that you know that ‘if something happens, I will get you out,'” he says.

The testimony of Aurel Pajaziti, the person who rented the car that Granit Plava used to ambush and execute Liridona Ademaj, on the evening of November 29, is also of interest to the investigative group.

“We leased this car, ‘Seat Exio’, with license plate 07 984 EK, to the person Granit Plava, on November 27, 2023 at around 18:00, who kept this vehicle until November 29, 2023, at 14.00. An hour later, on the same day, around 3:00 p.m., Granit Plava called me and told me that I need a car again to pick someone up at the airport,” says Pajaziti.

Aurel Pajaziti said that when he returned the second time to pick up the car, Granit Plava was not alone, but with a second person, whom he did not recognize. But what he could stand out is that Granit came with a ‘Range Rover’ car, similar to that of Naim Mursel.

“I remember. Granit Plava came with a ‘Range Rover’ car, gray in color, which Granit himself was driving. While there was another person with him that I did not know. After Granit took the ‘Seat’ car, the other person continued on the road with the ‘Range Rover'”, he says.

But the story that Naim Murseli tries to give a different direction on the day of the meeting with Granit Plava, and which is related to the hours before the crime, the latter has told differently. Plava says that on the day of the crime, at 12:00 p.m., he was taken by car by Naim Murseli and they went for a ride in the Radonić lake.

“While touring the lake, our car tire broke and then we went to the village of Novoselë e Epërme. Where Naimi presented me with a firearm, which he said the owner of the service had given him. I did not see the children, while Naimi was in the car at the time of the murder”, he emphasizes.

But in all this history, a rosy episode seems to have puzzled the unsolved puzzle of this event once again. That of an unexplained sentimental relationship or not between Naim Murseli and the wife of one of Kushtrim Kokalla’s brothers, messages that apparently have also shaken the marital relationship between Naim and Liridona.

Conversations that have also been accepted by Naim Murseli. “Several messages have appeared in the square, which have turned into a family problem. Liridona also got hold of these text messages, which made our marriage very difficult”, he says. According to Naim Murseli, it was these conversations that had brought Liridona’s quick revenge, which he says had betrayed him during his stay in Sweden.

“After this event, Liridona’s control over me increased significantly. I have asked for separation, but she has not accepted. Meanwhile, she took revenge by cheating on me with a foreign man there. I have seen this event with my own eyes, but I have not expressed it to him at any time. Of course, this has burdened me and has had a negative impact on our relationship,” he says.

This marital problem between Liridona, Naimi and the Kokalla family has also been accepted by Shaban Murseli. According to Naim Murseli’s father, this problem happened a year before Liridona was killed.

“A year ago, Naimi had a problem with the son of his aunt K. Kokalla. There are several messages that Naimi exchanged over the phone with B., K. Kokalla’s wife. What I know is that regarding the case, there was nothing more between Naim and B., apart from some writings and non-intimate photos”, he says further.

To clarify this unpleasant situation, it is said that the parties have also met each other, but the further relationship seems to have been cold between them.

“Naimi and Liridona have met with Kushtrim Kokalla’s brother and his wife and I know that they have closed this issue. But after this moment, the relations between me and Naim have cooled. I don’t have any information that Naim or the family paid any tribute for this work”, says the father. Kanon Kokalla himself, the brother of Kushtrim Kokalla, has confirmed the existence of these messages, but he has described as inappropriate the fact that Shaban Murseli mentioned them during his confession to the investigator and that this story has nothing to do with the murder of Liridona.

“This work mentioned by Shaban Murseli has nothing to do with this case. He just wanted to slander me, to embarrass me. There was nothing here. Some sms that Naim Murseli wrote: ‘How are you? What are you doing? We have left this work at once and have closed it as a matter”, it is further stated.

Kanon Kokalla also denied his later problems with Naim Murseli, saying that he had no friendship with him. “Naim Murseli has been more associated with my brother, while I am more close to Naim’s brother. Naim was a cold but generous guy. While brother Kushtrimi, he has never brought problems at home. Regarding Granit Plava, I have known him since childhood, but I do not have any friendly relationship with him. One interesting thing I can tell you is that Granit recently invited me and a friend of mine for his son’s birthday, since we have the same generation. Where we went there, I saw that Granit had more money than usual. But I don’t know how he was able to with the work he does, to secure those money”, he says.

But why was Liridona Ademaj killed? Is it really the betrayals in the couple, or the discovery of the double life that her husband Naimi was leading, that led the latter to order the murder of his wife. Or will this story continue to reserve surprises in its investigations, to finally give us the truth, why the mother of two children was killed, who continues to hold her breath both in Kosovo and in Albania, with the details shocking news that are revealed from moment to moment.

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