The elections in Himare, Basha explodes: Berisha has sold the Democrats to Rama

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Lulzim Basha, through a harsh note on his FB page, has reacted regarding the elections in Himare Municipality. Basha, with a direct rhetoric, writes that the democrats and citizens of Himara have been sold by Berisha to Rama and are victims of their three-year-old bazaar.

According to Basha, Berisha’s interest is not victory, but the use of DP as a shelter to protect his interests and his family.

Basha’s full post:

Sali Berisha has sold the Democrats to protect himself, because there is neither Himara’s problem nor Albania’s problem, but only his problem.

Democrats and citizens of Himara are victims of the Rama-Berisha bargain. Now he had the seal, the commissioners and the funds, with which he was justified for the overwhelming loss of 2023, but why did he lose Himara today?! Because his interest is not winning, but using DP as a shelter to protect his and his family’s interests.

After amnestying the corrupt together with Rama, after closing the lists together with Rama, Sali Berisha can no longer deceive about the wholesale surrender of the opposition at the feet of his partner.

Yes! Edi Rama is the destroyer of elections in Albania. He, like Sali Berisha, is ready to do anything for his interest.

Sali Berisha defended the theft of the elections by Edi Ramen in 2021 only because he was interested in attacking me and blaming me, while today he continues to justify himself for the fifth time in 2 years for losing the elections, even though he promised the Democrats in the 2021 pulpits that he would he excommunicated Rama for 6 months.

But he sat on Edi Rama’s lap, amnestied with his votes the corrupt people of Edi Rama, destroyed the electoral reform, lied that he would get a technical government and the right to coalition lists when in fact he joined the votes with Edi Rama to close the lists, and in return, Rama gave him the stamp of the Democratic Party in violation of any law, as well as joined the votes with Edi Rama to put the KLSH under government control.

Today there is no revolution, there is no overthrow of Rama, there is only bazaar, bazaar through which Rama gives his seal and Berisha gives him power. What Rama and Berisha orchestrated in Himare is a foreshadowing of what they want to do in the upcoming elections throughout Albania.

This market started after September 9, 2021 is also a market against SPAK, against change, against Albania.

Albanians deserve more, so we will remain determined against corruption and political-financial-media cooperation where Edi Rama and Sali Berisha have merged into a single party.

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