The expansion of the Tirana-Durres highway, the deputy prime minister talks about the expropriations: It will be made with four lanes. What will happen to businesses?

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The Deputy Prime Minister, Belinda Balluku, has stated that the Tirana-Durres highway will be expanded by one lane, as well as the emergency lane will be added.

She stated that the secondary roads and businesses will not be affected, adding that the expropriations will not be massive.

The Deputy Prime Minister stated that the affected areas are those that are closest to the road structure.

“The expansion of the Tirana-Durrës highway will take one lane on each side, there will be a full lane on each side, plus the emergency lane. From the studies we have done, the secondary road and businesses are not affected, there will be no massive expropriations. There may be some areas where it gets closer to the road bed where it will be necessary but a widening is planned, it will return to 3 full lanes plus the emergency lane. Tirana-Durrës is one of the most important axes, but in the future its use will be less”, said Belinda Balluku.

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