Flat earth NOT round

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From Lutfi Dervishi

In the time when 1+1 is no longer sure if it makes two or three, in the age when the “turbs” of social networks are the only places where we pray, confess, laugh and laugh, in the decade when we discover the cure for incurable diseases and explain with scientific facts the Pelasgian origin of everything around us, the next debate is the shape of the earth.

Is it round like the soccer ball that’s taking over the globe or is it flat like the buttery pancakes grandma used to make?

Forget smokestacks in Parliament, inspections of public works resembling hamburger commercials, breath-taking high prices, old problems and new taxes. Even forget the ones that cannot be forgotten even in dreams: the famous VIPs who lack fame in Big Brother and one of the first discussions has exactly this: The shape of our planetary settlement.

The debate has been guided by the compass of the universe, social networks, where the gladiators of modern times arm themselves with likes, shares, comments and memes, making it possible for conclusions to emerge in the blink of an eye.

In one corner of the digital ring we have the flat earthers, who stand firm in their belief that the Earth is as flat as a slice of gyro cheese.

They argue that mountains are just optical illusions and gravity remains just a suggestion from the universe.

To them, science is a collection of conspiracy theories concocted by tyrants from other galaxies.

On the other hand, the Globe Defenders are armed with globes, atlases and the undeniable fact that astronauts haven’t reported to space about pancakes going around.

They mockingly ask if flat earthers believe in a disc-shaped moon?

Another argument for the “globalists” that the earth is round are the rounded analyzes that are done every night in the television studios on issues of “actuality”.

While the world watches our spectacle with envy, many are hoping that this scientific debate will soon spread like wildfire across the globe – or pancake, depending on your preference.

In conclusion, while the rest of humanity gets inspired by looking at the stars and the moon, the country plunges headlong into the cosmic circus, proving that in the grand scheme of things, the shape of our planet may be the only thing flatter than the arguments given. .

The world may (not) be round, but it is certain that our debaters will take the pancake!

However, in such conditions, even Galileo Galilei would give up the expression “eppur si muove”.

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