Kalemaj: Rama does not want the vote of the Diaspora, it can bring about the overthrow of the autocracy

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Political scientist Ilir Kalemaj said in the MCN Live studio that Prime Minister Rama is comfortable with the current electoral code and with the voters who are in Albania.

Kalemaj emphasized that Rama does not want either the electoral reform or the vote of the Diaspora.

“Rama is comfortable with this electoral code, it is comfortable with these voters who are in Albania, it is comfortable that according to INSTAT, 540 thousand Albanians have fled from 2011 to 2022. According to the opposition, 1.5 million people have fled, but if we take an average of say 1 million”, said Kalemaj.

“There have been discussions about how this vote of the Diaspora will be translated, will it be in separate districts, will it be the 13th district? Albania will be a single electoral district, because this goes parallel to the reform? If Rama says that this is not possible, I don’t need 84 votes, it shows that Rama does not want electoral reform. No, no, the vote of the Diaspora, because it says that they have stayed here, that those who have left are opposition votes, but some others will leave and those who will stay, 200 thousand, are the administration and 700 thousand pensioners, and I get enough votes”. he added.

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