SIGAL UNIQA-FSHF/Duka cooperation: We cannot find a better partner; Ponari: Satisfied and proud!

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It is the leading company of the insurance market in Albania and the region. Among the biggest not only in our country but in all of Southeast Europe. Largest payer of property, health, motor vehicle etc claims since 1999 and part of one of the largest groups on the continent.

We are talking about SIGAL UNIQA Group Austria, the name to which we trust our life, health, property and everything else of value that we have.

But the company in question is more than an Insurance group. It is an integral part of the societies where it operates through the sponsorship of various activities, including sports.

Among other things, SIGAL UNIQA is also an official sponsor of the AFL and the National Football Team, a partnership that has been going on since 2016.

To talk about this cooperation, expectations and achieved achievements, we interviewed the President of the Albanian Football Federation, Mr. Armand Duka and the CEO of the SIGAL UNIQA Group, Mr. Avni Ponari.

According to Mr. Duka, this is an excellent cooperation, which will last for a long time because, according to him, the Federation cannot find another insurance company that will support better, cooperate better and in a very functional way for the good of Albanian football in general.

Armand Duka: The cooperation of the Albanian Football Federation with the company SIGAL UNIQA started in 2016 and since it has continued for so long, while this relationship has been renewed several times, it means that it has been a very good and very fruitful cooperation .
Through the company, the AFL has secured almost all the footballers of the professional levels, of the national team footballers, of the Superior Category, of girls’ football… It is not just a financial support but it is a real cooperation, a support from all angles.

Even if we have any case that is not foreseen by the contract, SIGAL in no way or at any time refuses to support or cover any kind of damage
It is an excellent cooperation and I am very sure that it will last for a long time because I do not believe that the Federation will find another insurance company that will support better, cooperate better and in a very functional way for the benefit of Albanian football in generally. All the more so since the head of the SIGAL company is himself a sportsman. It understands this very well and does this support with passion, in addition to a contractual obligation.

Even the founder and CEO of SIGAL UNIQA, Mr. Ponari, expressed his satisfaction with this partnership, which, according to him, comes within the framework of the social responsibility of a large company such as the one run by him.

Avni Ponari: Among the missions that an Insurance company can have is the social mission, which makes it necessary to participate in all social life. So we have considered very important the cooperation with the Albanian Football Federation. And of course, getting to know President Duka and the opportunities and spaces he has created for us has made it possible for us to be as close as possible to the team and football.
Being in the capacity of the head of another, if important, federation, I have seen as an important thing the Insurance of Sportsmen, which Albania has been lacking for years.
I am pleased and proud. Being a sponsor of the Albanian Football Federation again after 8 years when Albania was in the European Championship and the SIGAL logo was present, we are lucky to feel the support of the Federation and I wish success to the national team for this achievement and to President Duka in this important day for all Albanians.

Armand Duka: The year we closed or the European Championship Qualifiers were the most successful in the history of Albanian football. The first place in the group, the fantastic performance of the team, the fantastic performance of the entire environment, of the fans was an event, in the complex, to be recorded in history.
I have emphasized that nothing can be achieved alone. Even more so in a team sport like football. And this is precisely where the cooperation we have with SIGAL, the cooperation we have with other Albanian football partners, also gains strength, so that we all together realize a common national dream. Because football in a way is a religion for Albanians, it is a very dear sport and we have all achieved this success together. Undoubtedly, with the greatest contribution of the footballers but also of our collaborators. And of SIGAL which has been, as I said at the beginning, permanent, unsparing support and will continue to do so.

If we go back to 2016, it was the beginning of the cooperation with SIGAL, which in a way brought us luck, took us to the European. This cooperation is still today in 2024 and I wish it to be even more and I am convinced that it will be even more.
So, we have really achieved a very big objective, we have made a dream come true for the second time and we will continue in the European as well. We are prepared to make the European better. It is not that we expect surprises because the Albanian national team used to be called surprise. It is now a reality, it is a competitive team, it is a good team that will add value to the European Championship. I have faith in the team that we can still go further than the group.

Avni Ponari: What is important and we must emphasize it again. Albania has about 100 thousand sportsmen, in all categories and at all ages, who are participants in various competitions. And what the Albanian Football Federation has done, all federations can do. So that every athlete is insured. This is very important.

On the other hand, I am the President of SIGAL UNIQA Group Austria for Albania, Kosovo and North Macedonia. A successful company, holding the first place and one of the 50 largest in Central and Eastern Europe. What makes it dignified in fulfilling the obligations and promises it makes to customers.

We are always around, especially in Health Insurance, Property Insurance and other insurances. Being the focus on health insurance because it is the most necessary and for which we all fight.

I would tell you all to be careful because health is very important and of course by being insured they create a privilege for themselves because after all the insured events happen but financial care is necessary.
SIGAL UNIQA is ready to fulfill every obligation it has towards over 1.2 million customers as well as others who will be part of it.

In this important and glorious European for our National Team, we are still more responsible and dignified to fulfill all the duties and obligations we have towards our customers.

Today, sport is the most present element in everyone’s life and among the most interesting events for billions of people everywhere in the world. Without forgetting the media and business.

Sport is the most efficient means of education, entertainment, disease prevention, strengthening social relations, a healthy alternative for the free time of young generations, but also the best “ambassador” of a nation.

Therefore, SIGAL UNIQA will continue to be a strong supporter, not only of football but also of other sports.

SIGAL UNIQA Group Austria, We live better together

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