Does it pose a social risk? Altin Çok’s medical record is published

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The medical record of Altin Çok, who was arrested a few days ago, after the suicide of 27-year-old Sibela Abedini, was published today.

In the file provided by journalist Anila Hoxha, according to the Psychiatric-Legal Expertise Act of 29.07.2014, it appears that the 39-year-old has narcissistic personality traits.

“According to the Psychiatric-Legal Expertise Act no. 291, dated 29.07.2014, on the examination of citizen Pal Çoku, the Institute of Forensic Medicine found that

– “citizen Altin Çoku presents narcissistic personality traits. There were no evidence of disorders of thought, judgment, cognition and memory, with good abilities to store and use information.

“Citizen Altin Çoku suffers from Kifo scoliosis deformans, restrictive respiratory insufficiency and presents narcissistic personality traits.

“In the current conditions, he does not present the need for any medical measures, as his judgment and thinking and behavior are within his personality traits, presenting a model on which he has been operating since adolescence and early youth. Moreover, during this period it was not necessary to be treated for any mental health symptoms.

“In its current state, it does not present any social danger.

“At present, the citizen Altin Çoku also presents restrictive respiratory insufficiency (physical disease)”, according to the file.

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