Clash at the entrance of the Assembly, PD MPs clash fiercely with FNSH officers. The guard intervenes to separate them

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FNSH employees and DP deputies have physically clashed outside the Parliament of Albania.

The clash between them started after the democrats demanded the removal from the premises of the Parliament of the effectives of the FNSH, while the parliamentary session has closed the works!

It was the Guard employees who intervened to separate them, calming the situation.

FNSH employees and PD deputies have physically clashed outside the Assembly of Albania.

The clash between them started after the democrats demanded the removal from the premises of the Parliament of the FNSH operatives.

Clash between DP deputies and the police in the courtyard of the Assembly. Dash Sula escalated to fierce clashes, where the policemen were also stripped of their spacesuits.

It was the Guard employees who intervened to separate them, calming the situation.

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