Will the SP vote for the removal of Olta Xhaçka’s mandate? This is how Bledi Çuçi answers

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The head of the SP parliamentary group, Bledi Çuçi, declared that the Mandates and Regulations Council will decide on the issue of Olta Xhaçka’s mandate.

“It is not true that we have not implemented it. Based on the decision of the Constitutional Court, the Council of Legislation was convened. We will be informed about the decision there. Therefore, we have sent the Regulation Mandate to the Council. But the assembly has been in flames and smoke. The decision-making is of the parliamentary group.

The Mandate and Regulation Council will meet. The Council of Legislation, which takes the decision of the Constitutional Court, examines it and then says; will pass to the Council of Mandates.

So the Council of Mandates will be convened. We all make decisions together. It is a matter that the Mandates Council must take up. I advise you to read that decision carefully. We do not have a decision-making process, because I am not the Council of Mandates. I don’t convene the Council”, said Çuçi.

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