“Are you afraid that a coup is being organized to cut off your arms?” – PD MP asks Altin Dumanin, this is how he answers

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The opposition deputy, Flutura Açka, during the annual report of the head of SPAK, Altin Duman, asked the latter if she is afraid that a coup is being organized against him to cut off his arms by people who do not like the fact that he is in pedestal.

“Are you afraid that a coup is being organized to cut off your wings and remove some feathers from some who don’t like that you are on the pedestal” was Ačka’s question.

The head of the Special Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office, not being clear with the question, emphasized that this institution is completely independent.

“I don’t know what you mean by this question. I want to say that SPAK is an independent institution and its constitutional framework guarantees the institution’s independence.

Parliament is then a matter of parliament’s assessment. I cannot comment on the activity of an institution such as the Assembly,” answered Dumani.

Showing that he often receives threats, Dumani said that the focus of his work and that of SPAK is the investigation of all cases.

“What I do is to try to investigate successful cases in order to demonstrate to the public and the Assembly that SPAK is performing its duties, exercising constitutional activity, with the aim of fulfilling the purpose for which it was created.

It is a never-ending fight, but we are trying with slow but sure steps,” he added.

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