Shehi-Alibeaj-Basha alliance, LZHK leader confirms coalition for May 11 elections

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Left without a political shelter to compete in the May 11 elections, Lulzim Basha is moving towards a political agreement with his former ally Dashamir Shehi, who recently distanced himself from Sali Berisha.

The traditional ally of the Democrats confirmed negotiations with the former leader of the Democratic Party to run together in the spring elections.

“We are negotiating with all the groups within the Parliament and we have almost reached an agreement, with Alibeaj, Basha’s group and others and we have almost reached an agreement and we are closing this work,” said Dashamir Shehi.

The pact for the new right-wing coalition that is on the horizon foresees competition only on the open list.

“Regarding the open lists, we have also agreed on the technical possibilities of how the closed list will be emptied,” added Shehi.

The small parties have lined up against the July SP-PD pact, as according to them the agreement between the two major parties closes the lists, leaving the seats in Parliament in the hands of the mayors again and not the citizens.

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